Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


This little girl may one day be my daughter in law. I like her mom an awful lot so at least there would be inter-family peace and happiness.

It was her fifth birthday party. I provided half an hour of entertainment consisting of a bit of drama and some singing. Another string to my bow. If I wanted to work saturdays and Sunday's it might be a plan.

It was a lovely party at the farm followed by a meal out and a McDonalds Flurry. Which they no longer flurry!!!!

Now I am sitting here and DH tried to make me watch Gilliam McKeith on the tv. He really is lacking in taste sometime. I have thrown a huge strop because then he put on some crappy channel about golf. He only plays about ten times a year.

I think I need a vodka x x x x

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