Cumulus de Francais

I'm currently in Perles in the Ariege Pyrenees, sitting around the dinner table planning the route for tomorrow where we intend to ride the two big climbs in the next stage of the Tour de France. The journey over was very easy, the flight on time and we and our bikes were chauffeured from the airport to the guest house where we are staying, Pyrenees Haven, run by Debbie and Gary Devine, They've made us so very much at home already.

I'm keeping this short as we are an hour ahead in time here and we have an early start. I also feel the need to catch up on a bit of sleep. I was so engrossed in conversation this evening that I clean forgot to grab a local blip but this shot from the plane is quite striking. It's not just the UK that's been experiencing great cloudscapes. This wonderful cumulus was building over Northern France. Fortunately, it's set to clear through before tomorrow. I'm looking forward to feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin - for the first time in what seems like months!

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