Wherever next?

By aime

Saigon Streets

It was one of those days where it felt as if I was awake before I woke up. The alarm was set for 6am but I was checking emails and posting Blips before 5.30am. The sunrise over the Mekong Delta was wishy washy, but cruising along eating our breakfast on the top deck of our boat “The Mekong Eyes” was pretty splendid, as they say.
We had time to visit a floating market and a rice noodle factory (which seemed to be located in someones back garden) before the long drive back to Saigon.
And as for the girl in the photo? Yes, she made it across. Slightly incongruous in her high heels and black suit, she merely stepped of the pavement and slowly walked across a sea of motorcycles and scooters. As she walked, they made paths around her and eye contact was never made. It is the Vietnamese way and would never work in the UK, or any country where people have highway codes written by administrators rather than by bike riders, Here, it seems to work, and the proof is the free flowing traffic (albeit slowly free flowing) and the total absence of scratches and dents on the few cars that dare to venture on to the roads.

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