
By Jamjar

Of course there was only one choice of photo for today, it had to be Joshua, well Joshua William to be correct.  He's lovely!

This morning I decided that I did have time to visit the RSPB nature reserve just north of Swansea before hospital visiting time (see extra), but what I didn't realise was that the main nature trail there is 9 miles long and I certainly didn't have time to walk that far, so I walked for an hour, had some coffee and then walked back.  Apparently there is a 4 mile walk too, but without a trail map and without enough information on the ground I didn't want to risk missing visiting time by exploring.  It's definitely a place I want to return to though as it's in a very pretty valley next to a bubbling, or is that babbling, stream.

The road network in Cardiff city has begun to get to me today, I just can't make sense of it, the traffic is awful and the TomTom (I do have to use it here) doesn't always help..... "bear left, keep to the right and take the exit......"   What?!  What exit, and any exit has to be to the left...  Which of course led to me missing the exit, driving 2 miles to the next roundabout, taking the fourth exit and going back to where I was....  Can I please just have an OS map and a grid reference?

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