Mini R2D2

I spotted a little R2D2 tin today, full of choccies, so picked it up for Leo as a companion for his bigger version. He is using the big version as his 'happy tin'. When something fun or interesting happens he scribbles a little note and pops it in the tin. Then later we are going to look back at them and remember the fun things that have happened. I've got one on the go too. I have a suspicion that lots of the notes in Leo's tin may relate to footie results but I am not allowed to peek - so will have to await the surprises later.

I had a lovely day. Just a morning at work followed by an afternoon of freedom. I walked into town and had a nice lunch before getting stuck into my 500 words marking. All done and sent off ready for the next round. Then I did a bit of pressie shopping as it is a friend's birthday next week, and also picked up some little treats for the boys. I also bought Leo what I hope are extra stretchy football socks. Trying to get his current ones on is like a full body workout for me. I am sure I expend more energy faffing around trying to get them sorted than he does during the match.

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