"Thanks for warming up that post for me."

I wanted so badly to post a picture of a fisherman and his catch. But, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't post a picture of a moron.

The two men pulled up, and unloaded their catch on the dock. Then, they took pictures of each other. I took a picture of them taking pictures, and then went to investigate.

They had 10-12 speckled trout. (That's some good eating.) I snapped the fish, and then warned them..."You guys are playing with fire...those pelicans are sneaky quick."

The moron went back inside his boat, and proceeded to start to filet his fish. Sure enough...a pelican jumped up on the dock, and took off with one of the trophy trout.

The guy was SO MAD! He jumped out of the boat...spotted the thief...and wildly cocked back the filet knife...and winged it at the bird.

Luckily, he missed. Now, I'm not a fisherman....but who can be that stupid? To leave the catch right out in the open.

I always think (naively maybe) that most people are good folks, but then an incident like this pops up...and muddles my thinking. It made me want to toss both of them into the drink, and back up their truck and trailer into the ocean.

Luckily, the pelicans do not bother me. They just make me smile.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157665693929486 See the idiot (and the trout) on my Flickr page, along with many more pelicans.

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