East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Hanging out

It was a lovely sunny winters afternoon today so I went for a long blip meander and took heaps of shots at the beach and elsewhere, thinking I would have too many to choose from. When I got home and put them on the computer it turned out that most of them were rubbish, except maybe a couple. I decided on this one for my blip because they were just so cute. I was by this time at the bay area and the trees were full of the noise of the birds settling in for the night. I think they are Scaly Breasted Lorikeets, the only Lorikeet with a completely green head. They were in the same tree as heaps of Rainbow Lorikeets, some of them quite small, which is something I haven't seen before - or maybe I just notice these things more now since joing the Blip community.
I will put the other photo in Blipfolio - as I turned to head back to the car I noticed they was quite a nice reflection from the sunset over the Marina to the east.
Reflections over the Marina

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