Bird of Prey!

Well I'll be! My orchid that finally decided it would send up a flower stem had a bud open today - perfect for Flower Friday! When I processed the photos  I realised that it looks like a large bird swooping onto a smaller one with an alarmed expression and  its wings raised  and feet in front of it as it tries to escape! Which is serendipitous for what I am doing tomorrow! I thought Orchids were supposed to resemble genitalia - but I'll have enough of that Tuesday so a bit of a relief really! 
Felt much better today and wonder if it was lack of food making me feel dizzy as I hadn't eaten as I was saving myself for the Chinese Buffet!! That's just ironic!
Allotment day  as open and close of the girls and although I hadn't intended to stay long I actually spent 6 hours there this morning! The weather was just perfect - so sunny and warm I took off my 3 upper layers till I was down to one and rolled my thigh length socks down - and was still hot!  The girls were rather agitated as I approached and turned off the electric fence, and I just thought they wanted to be out in the sunshine as I was actually earlier than usual. Sadly found Mrs Tipsy dead in the coop when I opened - she had had a slight wheeze monday but in all other respects was fine and I was not concerned. Son after removing her and feeding the others I buried her on one of my plots - and then thought I'd place a composter on top to stop her being got at by animals. This then meant I spread the deliciously crumbly and rich compost over one of the beds, and dug the area, then I moved the other 2 composters. I actually have 8 composters! 5 I inherited from a plot and a half I took over last year, and 3 on my original plot! My dad would be so envious - he had 4 and believed in rotating their use! 
Luckily there was a fellow plotholder up there, No Flowers Man! Although he does do a little companion planting to increase pollination of his crops and to keep the pests off his brassicas! He made me 2 cups of tea and we had a good chat each time and took a break from our activity. He also helped me move some carpet onto my plot. I have never liked the idea of covering my plot, just too ugly and attracts rats, I used to watch them running underneath the carpet on other peoples plots, they had quite a maze of runs leading to their nests in the composters!  However  I got so behind last year with Friend and the Shingles, that my original plot is now looking like a field! Luckily there is a lot taken up with fruit beds,  a herb bed and a flower bed where my bench is.So I decided to cover the ground without fruit and concentrate on my plot with beds marked out with wood. Just a gentle weeding needed on those so once that is done and this years crops planted I shall tackle my field! 
Somehow I managed to lose my secateurs amongst my cutting back of brambles and , raspberry canes, I searched, No Flower Man searched but no sign of them. I guess they will turn up when I start planting! 
So finally home via the shop to get the bits I had intended to get yesterday where my third mishap  of the day occurred - I dropped a large pot of single cream! The shop assistants commended me on a job well done - me, the fridge and the floor covered! 
So home for a few hours, Tilly had a wander in the garden and my kitchen, I had to chase her away several times from the cats food - Fat Cat just watched her from under the table! 
Back up to put the chickens to bed - light the incinerator and have another look for the secateurs - I didn't find them but did find the Vaper I lost several weeks ago - and it still worked! So with a good fire going, a glorious sunset and the sound of the owl, a very fine end to the day on the allotment! 

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