Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Spring at last

We started the week with snow.  And we've had lots of rain - the pond is very full.  But today it really did start to feel springlike.  We even put some washing on the line.

Our "pond man" Ian came to check on the pond after the winter - and to advise us on what we should be doing to maintain it.  There is quite a lot of blanket weed in it - apparently this is to be expected, but we probably need to work harder on clearing it when it forms.

We cleared a lot today - the pond looks quite cloudy in the photo because we had disturbed the sediment.  The water is actually really clear.   I found a newt, and later Ian also found one - he reckoned it was a pregnant female - it was pretty fat.  I was really chuffed - Ian says we don't want too many as they eat frog spawn - not that we have any of that yet.  

There is too much grass in the boggy areas each side of the pond - but pulling it out is tedious - a bit at a time is probably the answer.

Ian was also happy with the meadow area - it all looks a bit thin at the moment, but he assures us "that's how it should look".  He pointed out some developing perennials such as yarrow and wild carrot.

It's cooled down a lot this evening, so I lit a fire, and we watched a film.  I've started on my next UFP.  

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