Found Photos

By foundfotos

This Boot Was Made for Hiking

I hike in the Sandias a lot, so I burn through two pairs of hiking boots each year. I usually get a breathable pair in the spring, and a waterproof pair in the fall -- then I alternate them as necessary.

Until today, I've been using three trusty pairs of hiking boots -- two are waterproof, and one isn't. The non-waterproof pair are my current favorite -- and they're about to get holes in their soles. In fact the soles of all three pairs have been rubbed really smooth -- kinda like a bald tire. So I've been slip-sliding all over the trails for the past few months, but have had neither the time nor the money to find a new pair.

But this week I've had a little more time and money than usual. So after probably an hour in the shoe store, bedeviling the poor salesperson for many different boots, and sizes of boots, I found the perfect pair. I took them for a spin on one of my favorite hiking routes this afternoon.

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