Damp in Birsay

Birsay Bay has been updated to Birsay Grey.  The Current Mrs Creel can be seen looking for flotsam (that’s how she found me).  The man on the beach had to travel all the way back from Crufts to capture Spot - I don’t think he’ll be getting any prizes this year; or the dog. 

I broke the bank today in Kirkwall and bought a new bike pump.  Although Reuters rejected this next bit, it did happen.  I went into Cycle Orkney (our local bike emporium) and the owner (Alex) approached me.  His opening line (to the amazement of the young laddie repairing a gear shifter in the background) was ‘Are you and your wife* still eating a large amount of horse?’  A bit of a conversation stopper; in fact it was a bit of a non-starter. 

*Debrett’s aficionados will note that he said ‘Your wife,’ as opposed to ‘The Current Mrs Creel’.  This should explain everything.

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