A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A bit much

This is part of the Royal Albert Hall (a concert hall in London), which is part of Queen Victoria's legacy of her devotion to her late husband, the Prince Consort. I'm guessing dear Philip isn't going to be quite so lauded on his passing. There is also an enormous gilded statue in Hyde Park just opposite which you may get another week.  Though not for a while as the music school broke up today until mid-April so the next few Saturday mornings will not be spent around here. 

I'm feeling a tiny bit it is all a bit much after a diary planning / sorting session with Carlos has left both our heads reeling over the next few weeks. The combination of oxygen tank trips, school runs, dog walks, school holidays, music trips, not to mention fitting in the paid work thing is a little overwhelming. Still in the middle of that I sneak off for a weekend in Paris (excuse my brazen mention of that every day this week) and a long weekend with friends in France over Easter so there is some balance in there. 

And today has seen some significant progress in Jackson's ability to do maths which has left him feeling more like a himself he recognises. 

And it's only 3.15pm so even with the ridiculous washing mountain to be tackled there should still be some serious relaxing to be done. 

Lesley x

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