Waiting to be picked

It was a busy Sunday for me. I had to be one of the examiners at a Tae Kwon Do grading today. It was a long tiring day, we started at 10am and finished at 6pm.

So I had an early walk with Daisy this morning, I knew the tide would be out so I took her to our beach. I think it was the furthest that I had ever seen the tide out, there was so much beach, and so many things that I hadn't seen before as they were normally hidden by the sea.

There were lots of winkles just sitting on the rocks, just waiting to be picked by people or birds, normally they are hidden under seaweed and I have to search for them. My Dad like to eat them, and sometimes I pick a few for him, but as I didn't have time to prepare them and cook them, he was out of luck today. These winkles were too small as well.

The extra is an old chain that I found, whether it was an old anchor, or part of a buoy, I don't know. It just looked old and interesting. 

I will try and catch up with commenting on blips tomorrow, but the next few days are a bit hectic, I leave on Weds to go on holiday to a very special place....my favourite holiday destination :D

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