Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Crufts tickets

Up twice in the night with the dog before J got up at 5.30 to get ready to catch the plane to London for 3 days. HC and RH went back this afternoon. Great to catch up over the weekend. Collected Kilda from day care and stopped off to get some chicken to put her on chicken and rice to see if it will settle her stomach down a bit. Also went over to the pet shop to collect the paste to help her stomach. Late by the time I got back in so didn’t get much done apart from tidying for the cleaner. Knackered after a bad night’s sleep. The Cruft’s tickets came at the weekend. We are talking Kilda down on Friday afternoon for her to be on the Spanish Water Dog Discover Dog stand for the afternoon. They were looking for dogs of all ages to go along. In return we have weekend passes and car parking for Crufts. Looking forward to it if we can get her stomach sorted out. Had an email late in the night to say that the doggie day care we use has gone into liquidation. Reading the email it seems they have had some tax issues at the beginning and they are having to close the company. The other company they own will take over the running of the day care we hope.

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