
By Mimthing

Tis done !

And we are going to do more jigsaws together !

Last night was interesting, I figured I would spend some time with Maddy thru the night, didn't reckon on it being due to her falling out of bed and then sleeping with me as it was the safer option... Safer for who ? She does star jumps all night! I should be black and blue tomorrow ;-)

Today has been the sewing day, we made a skirt for a Barbie type doll, the instructions were probably for felt as it required no hems, as we were recycling old cotton shirts -which will fray- I ended up making a waistband, I make curtains ... Never made a waistband in my life! We then made the tunic top which didn't quite fit, our doll was perhaps more buxom than the regular ones?
Leave it with me Maddy and I'll re-do it to make it fit.
Late afternoon we took the dags for a walk down to High Bellthorpe ... That's going to be some pad!! I was a little sad tho as I wakled around, I've known that yard for 25 years, watched it grow from half a dozen horses to near on thirty. It is now empty and silent except for one remaining goose, I felt so sorry for it just wandering around waiting for the fox to come. I'd like to go back and catch it to have it join my two but it's probably a gander !
Hope you've had a good weekend.x

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