Springtime at the Watts cemetery

Keeping an eye on the calender I realised I had better have a quick trip to the Watts cemetery today to make sure I don't miss it when the scillia are in flower, as it is really beautiful.
I persuaded Mr U&L to accompany me, and I am really glad I went because as you can see the scillia were indeed coming out and it was really beautiful! 
I have chosen an alternative shot of the cloister for today's blip, so as to incorporate the scillia growing under the beautiful beech tree. I have also included a shot of the path, in my extras, a lovely terracotta gravestone with snowdrops growing through it (the chapel behind) and a single Scillia flower in all it's pale blue glory!
Thank you all hugely for your wonderful comments, stars and wonderful faves for my 1095 th blip yesterday, you are a wonderful bunch and I will be thanking you all ASAP.

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