
Lovely day out just up the hill at Wandlebury - running up and down banks, kicking a ball, raking leaves, climbing on logs, spotting toads in the pond, admiring bluebells and views and so on. Lunch at Gog Magog farm shop plus some fun building with big wooden bricks. We were rather surprised he managed to stack three like this with no help, and with a bit of support while building the fourth stood for a while unaided too. Lots of fun. We came home via the park and he rode his balance bike the rest of the way very nicely!

Non-parents may wish to skip the next paragraph.

After days if not weeks of suggesting Matthew try on pants or pull ups we gave up on the softly softly approach and just refused to put a normal nappy back on him this afternoon and he pottered about the house part naked. A couple of accidents but an actual wee on the potty achieved - it's a start but hey at least we've started before he turns 3 next week. No baby nappies at home in the day time from now on!

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