A walk in the woods

We got up and out nice and early this morning and met G&G for a walk in the woods. We went back to the Stick Man trail as P has wanted to do it since A's birthday.

It was quite warm in the sun and not too muddy in the trees. The children loved exploring and we came across this large nest which I couldn't resist putting the children in. We followed the trail and P did really well filling out her activity sheet. A play in the park then we came home for lunch.

P and I decided that as it was such a nice warm day we would cycle to swimming this afternoon. We adjusted the bike seat and off we went! It was hard work up the slight hill but we both enjoyed it. P had never been on the back of my bike before.

Great news from swimming today. P has passed her fist level and has received her Puffin Award! I'm so proud of how well she has done and I'm just as excited as her to collect her badge and certificate next week!

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