Fife coast to Fylde coast!

A five hour journey down to Lytham St Annes, there to visit my mother and sisters on Mothers' Day.  Nice to see them all, one sister missing, or rather in the Isle of Man, but two out of three ain't bad.  Clare hadn't told my mum we were coming and thankfully it was a pleasant surprise for her!  

I don't think Sally's little dog, Elsie, was quite so pleased - she wasn't that enamoured by Ollie, although he was rather bemused by this small bundle of fur growling and barking at him!  He and Clare's dog, Tessa, have known each other for years and they seemed to take up where they left off, which was nice to see.

Clare made a lovely afternoon tea, with dainty sandwiches and her best china and we sat and chatted and looked through old photos and reminisced.  Mum is now in a very nice care home, where the worst she can say about it is that they can't make decent Yorkshire puddings, and the family house has been sold.  Clare gave me a box of mementoes, bits and pieces from the house to take away with me, very exciting as I didn't know what was going to be amongst them!  Some nice and touching surprises included.

The hotel in St Annes was perfect!  Excellent service, huge room with blanket and bowl of water waiting for Ollie, and the beach on the doorstep.  Extra sums it up!

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