Trouble on t'street...

... as this regular street photographer was taking pictures of buildings.

I was peacefully carrying out a task for the local studies section of the Library this morning. This is part of an ongoing programme of taking the 'Now' photos to match some of the archived images for a library display.

The 'Then' shot, from around 1900, has the statue of Queen Victoria as its centre-piece and I was taking shots to match the position and angle of view.

As I was packing my gear away, a rather unpleasant individual came over to tell me I shouldn't be taking pictures of people in the street and that I had to delete the picture which he believed featured his good self. I politely told him that he had no right to tell me to do this and I offered to explain what I was actually photographing. After a short stand-off, he moved away muttering.

So that you know what he was objecting to, he appears in the lower photograph and is in fact the second person from the left!

Ironically, as regular followers will know, I take hundreds of candid street shots and have rarely been asked what I'm doing. You would be hard pressed to recognise this chap if you were unfortunate enough to bump into him.

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