....We Few, We Happy Few

By paul1332

Pen for your thoughts.

In this day and age it is very easy to quickly communicate your thoughts and feelings to another person. This can be a very good thing and by the same token it can be a very bad bad thing. How many of us have sent that email or text in anger only to regret pressing "send" only moments later. This morning I was able to express myself using 21st century technology and I have no regrets at all. It wasn't one of those angry messages. Just using 21st century tech to share positive feelings which is always good. Tech makes that so easy for us all and we have no excuse. When you don't have time for a call, a quick "thinking of you" can often do the trick. 

Anyway later this afternoon I had to write a "new home" card and spied my neglected fountain pen. I thought why not? I do like writing proper letters with it as it does make you more considered. Every word crafted as it really isn't just a case of "backspace" or "delete" to amend any errors.

Finally who wouldn't really prefer to receive an old fashioned ink pen written letter in the post?

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