Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Lovely Day

Evening all.

Well, it has been a good saturday for the Richardson family i think.

Our friends popped over from Manchester for the day, and we've spent the time wisely eating lovely curry, drinking lovely drink and generally having a lovely time!!

The male contingent of the party retired to the front room to sample the delights of motor racing on the games console, whilst the female members retired to our guest's shiny new convertible to sample the delights of motor racing in the real world!!

Unfortunately the lovely photos of the lovely car are on my daughter's lovely camera, which she has left in said car!

So you're left with this which i took very late at night, due to my Fight Club dvd failing and me having to resort to the 'Next Doctor' instead, which took me to cybermen, and, as i was having problems uploading pictures to blip and then the PC froze, it took me to this very weak pun......

Control, Alt.......DELETE!

night all

Bill Withers

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