
I promised CyclopsJnr birdies, which are amongst his favourite things just now.  He refused to believe these pelicans were any form of birdy, therefore he wanted to move on quickly to find the real thing.

Later, we were standing looking at two Emus.  They were right next to the fence, looking right at us.  A lovely moment.  Suddenly CyclopsJnr shouted "birdy", and I was so proud that he had figured out that these exotic creatures were just another type of bird.  Then I realised he was looking over his shoulder.  "Birdy" he cried again, as he set off chasing a blackbird.  Unsurprisingly he did not catch it.

Although he enjoyed the Zoo, he was determined that as I had promised birdies he was not going to be fobbed off with any exotica.

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