Spooky Hollow

There is a stand of big trees at Millbrook Marsh. They are reachable off the end of one corner of the boardwalk, just after the bridge over Slab Cabin Run. I go to visit them occasionally, usually when the path isn't too muddy.

On this morning, the light wasn't so hot. In fact, it was rather light-challenged, to be honest. The trees looked big and dark and spooky (or "fooky," as my husband likes to say), so I used the darkness to its best advantage, to try to make the tree in my photo (a bur oak) look even craggier and SPOOKIER.

I am not afraid of trees; not even big, spooky ones like this. In fact, I adore them. And I think my next little photo book (already in the planning stages) just might be a book celebrating some of my favorite trees. I have begun making a list of the trees I want to include - happy thoughts!  :-)

The song to accompany this spooky tree image is I Put a Spell on You. Originally released by Screamin' Jay Hawkins, it was also covered by Creedence Clearwater Revival, Annie Lennox, Bette Midler (in the film Hocus Pocus), Nina Simone, and others.

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