
She is desperate to follow me round - as fast as I patch up holes in the fence she finds ways out. So now she is locked in her cage, which has resulted in 2 eggs being laid!

A very pleasant Tuesday after a cloudy and chilly start. I did a few hours of revision and hung 2 loads of washing on the line. When Sharon arrived to clean, I left and went with Clare to Trago to get stuff for Brownies.

Brownies itself was absofrickinglutely awesome as one of my newly recruited students did the lot - planning and running, it was so nice just to turn up, take subs, write receipts and help.

Oh yes and Smallest has been to the GP and is being referred for heating tests as his ear drums are red and dull with small bubbles behind. Apparently I said all the right things for it to be urgently escalated rather than sent away for 6 weeks. We shall see if it is deafness, stubbornness or motherly neurosis ;-)

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