Piranha Fishing

We had a really fun and interesting day today.  Despite the fact that it was pouring rain (there's a reason they call the Amazon jungle a rain forest!), we boarded a boat and took a trip on the river where we saw many pink dolphins cavorting in the water.  We then visited Maica Lake where we spotted several very wet sloths in the tree tops, a large iguana taking a nap in the branches, several parrots, and some other colourful birds whose names I do not know.  We moored along the banks of the lake for about an hour, and fished for piranha with hand lines.  Several were caught, and as you can see from this picture, they do have quite fearsome teeth! The boat crew fried the piranhas and offered them to us for tasting. I declined, but the man in front of me told me the fish tasted a lot like trout.

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