A grand day out

I offered to take MidgeholeDave out for the day today, as I know he is somewhat stir crazy after his recent procedure meaning he can't drive for 4 weeks. He suggested we went to Towneley Hall in Burnley, somewhere I'd never been before.  What an absolute gem of a place. Well worth the visit, and I will certainly be back. Another of those days where I couldn't decide which photo to blip so I have added a couple to extras.

The patchwork quilt ( in extras) was on one of the beds in the house. All hand pieced of diamonds with what looked like 1 inch sides, a stunner but it made think of blip. I collection of small pieces, bound together ( in this case sewn) to make something unique, and bigger than the sum of the parts.

A grand day out, thank you for your company Mr MD. Lovely to see you too Mrs MD and Polly dog.  

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