You know you want to.........

The question that has intrigued mankind since time immemoral (sic) ‘Are two raspberry flans equally as nutritious as a fried breakfast’? (Sick)

CMC was up early today to bake for the Orphir Community Cafe.  She also made some buns and two tea loaves.  Eleanor is also baking in Peterstown as I type.  This is indicative of the amount that is sold hence the continuing success of the Thursday morning cafe in the Kirk is explained.  The Orcadian is also on sale which saves folk having to go into the Toon.

It’s a very dull day; CMC advised me to brighten it by renewing my passport

A raven has just glided past, a solitary skylark is doing its best and the tysties are sending out their high pitched seep.  It must mean something; potentially only to other tysties.  How do they manage without raspberry cake ?  Only David Attenborough will know.

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