Smokey ...

As I was leaving for my physical therapy appointment this morning I saw our neighbors cat on top of their car.  Thankfully I had my camera with me!

Smokey is his name and he one of the most friendly cats I have ever met. I took a few pictures of him and then I called his name so that he would look over at me, he immediately jumped off the car and ran over.  I felt bad because I was already running a few minutes late for my appointment so I couldn't stop to pet him.

I made up for that later on when I went out to put out bird and squirrel food. I sat on my front stoop and he ran over .... we had a good petting session then! 

I have put up an extra of one of my squirrel friends enjoying his peanuts. I just love the little tooth showing! 

Oh, and the answer to yesterday's mystery macro .... birch tree bark curl!

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