Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Forgive the pesky interruption ...

If you've stopped by for a look today I expect it's because you've had a notice that Kipper Cabin has posted her 300th blip. (The crowd erupts!) "Oh my! Please! Hold your applause! And, do sit back down. But thank you. Thank you very much!"

I signed up 23rd July 2013. That was thirty-two months ago (I think ... I did it on my fingers) (I'm a proper accountant). So, that's an average of 9.375 blips per month (tis, I went off and found my adding machine to do that one). "What a plodder!" Yes. Rubbish snaps aside, I could easily be struck off for lack of dedication.

But, I must say, I'm a dedicated viewer, I am. And I have a good read every day, I do. You're a fab lot, you are. Never ending source of mirth and intrigue, squiffy ideas and dodgy innuendo. And the photos are a bonus. I certainly get what I paid for. I could easily click out my heart allotment each day, but I'm such a plodder that I forget I have them. I must attach a post-it note to my monitor, inscribed "heart". Post-it notes get my attention, they do.

Anyway, a bit of lamp post heart art ^ for all youse.

Do I get a balloon for 300? I hope so. I love balloons. I love rubbing them slowly but firmly up and down my inner thigh ... and then sticking them to Cat's furry back. GOLD!

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