friday night bubbles...

...with the girls.

A gorgeous treat courtesy of T and  A and I are tucking into 'The Widow's'  bubbles and relishing every drop.
I just so happen to have a fascinating biography of 'The Widow Clicquot' by TilarJ Mazzeo and the women who were the entrepreneurs of the champagne world.
Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin... the Veuve(Widow) Clicquot
Louise Pommery... the Widow Pommery who invented  dry brut champagne
Lily Bollinger
Mathilde-Emile Laurent-Perrier

...and , shock horror, champagne (apparently) was not discovered byt the French but by the Brits who first learned the secret of making wine sparkle and 'launched the first commercial trade in champagne wine with bubbles'.

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