
By BowBelle

We'll send you the bill!

Do builders never have a lay in? For three days now I've had the builders in... Starting work at 8 am. Trying to have an intelligent conversation with me before 11am is always tough going. Anyway, one side effect of them starting work early is that I've been out and about earlier than usually. This morning I visited the duck pond on the way to the shop. There was lots of activity - gulls squabbling amongst themselves; male mallards pursuing females and geese begging for food. This one male mallard couldn't be bothered with it all and was just observing from his vantage point on the verge.

On this date, one year ago, we all posted photos of #blipfotoforever and look where it's got us today. Well done fellow Blippers. (See extras for the photo of support that I posted)

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