Young Will Shakespeare

I have had a gent added to the mix. 93 years old and does next to nothing but in danger of wandering off. His wife, 82, is desperate for time to herself so I have been called in to support for 2 hours every Friday. He doesn't get dressed so I won't be taking him out and I am likely to be bored rigid!

He lives next door (coincidentally) to the octogenarian desperate to spill the beans. Oh boy! Did she fess up today!!!

This afternoon's lady is mobile so I took her to Lacock. The BBC were there filming "Will"; a pilot about the life of young William Shakespeare. We chatted to a security guard at the gate of one of the sets. Today they were filming bedroom scenes in the Abbey. Yesterday, they filmed an execution where the victim was hung, drawn and quartered. 

Probably a good job we weren't in Lacock yesterday! 

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