Short order cook

The grill is just big enough for ten rows of three.
burgers, chops, omelette off to the side
two buckets of fries in the deep frier
and they pop pop, spit spit. . .
pssss. . .
The counter girls laugh.
FLIP - the crucial point-- omelette summersault.
ssssss...burgers compressed, ready for cheese
fingers shake as slices peel off like cards off the top of the deck
onto the burgers/fries done/dump/
steak on a plate with a colander of steaming spaghetti
dish slides to the counter/wipe sweat on sleeve
puffs chest out and bellows:
Viper! (who knows what that means)
grabs a handful of ice, toss in mouth
does a little dance and walks back to the grill.
Hash browns on fire! It's all under control baby.

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