
One day down without dummies and only 2.5 tantrums (the half tantrum was deescalated with some distraction).

I must say this is more difficult than I thought it would be. Not the process of giving up (being teachers, Mrs G and I can patiently sit through tantrums and come through the other end smiling) but the thought of the little growing up and not being the baby any more. Part of me just wants to freeze time. Silly and not a unique feeling amongst parents at all. But still - it gets you right in the feels!

One of the happy distractions today was to allow her to help paint her baby brother or sister's room, which mainly involved loading a brush with as much paint as possible and hitting the wall as hard as possible. We got some interesting patterns and I'm sure I can see the word 'Nap' here.

Maybe she was trying to tell us something...


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