
By ChrisGroucutt

Send in the clowns

Long day today, running the lights for a local theatre school's shows. I always think it's a sad sight when everyone's left the theatre, after all that hard work. Massive amounts of energy invested and then within minutes the space becomes a vacuum, with empty chairs longing to be filled again.

It reminded me today of a ritual an old performing partner and I used to have when we began the strike and get-out after gigs, and we would play certain sad songs. "Send in the Clowns" being one of them. 

It always seemed to be an apt song for the mood after a good show. 

Today it was doubly apt because this was the last show for their singing teacher, who had been there for not an insignificant time, and was in fact originally employed by me when I owned and ran the school. Lots of memories there today.

Sad day, happy day. 

Send in the clowns :)


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