My Grandchildren and I

What a wonderful day we had yesterday, with everything at the wedding going so well.

I spent the morning with the bride, firstly at the hair dressers, then watching her get her make up done.  It was a very special time for me to be with her.  Home for lunch, then the family got a maxi taxi to the Melbourne Zoo, where the wedding ceremony took place - in the Butterfly House.
The Bride and Groom met before the wedding to get their official photos taken.  We were able to talk to the couple, and have a series of photos taken before the ceremony took place.  I insisted on a photo with my 3 grand children, and this is my blip photo today.  We made our way into the butterfly house, and yes, there was a chair for me to sit on, all the other guests were standing!!  Little 'h' led the bride and her father into the butterfly house, and it looked so beautiful with the butterflies flitting about.  I was soooo proud of my family, they all looked so beautiful.  I have shared this video on my facebook page.  The bride wore red, and she looked radiant, as did the bridegroom.  While we were having some photos taken after the ceremony, a butterfly landed on little 'h's' finger, and stayed there happily for about 5 minutes.  She was thrilled. 

From the Melbourne Zoo we took the maxi taxi to where the reception took place, in Collins Street, downtown Melbourne.  The food was delicious, as well as my brother's famous non-alcolohic punch.  The evening finished with dancing, and little 'h' was right into it!  She didn't want to come home!

The place where I am staying hasn't got wifi, so I had to wait until this morning to post my yesterday's blip.  

Melbourne is a busy place at the moment, as the Australian Grand Prix is on and a lot of the roads in this area (St Kilda) are closed.  We are expecting a Australian Airforce Flyover at 4 p.m this afternoon.  I hope all is well back home in NZ.

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