Allotments with a view

Nothing happening.  Nothing to say!  Well nothing that anyone is going to be interested in anyway??!!!

More trials and tribulations of the big Edinburgh flat refurbishment. (See here).  We have to renew our building insurance for the Edinburgh flat at the beginning of April and apparently it isn’t valid if the property is in the course of being refurbished or renovated.  Well actually it isn’t in the course of anything at the moment! Grrrrrr……………..  So that’s another job to add to the list; along with how much council tax are we going to have to pay and setting up an account with Scottish Power.

And now we have a question for the ‘techie’ Blippers amongst you.  When we were in Edinburgh we were hoping to connect to BTfon while in the flat but unfortunately no one in the vicinity was with BT so we ended up spending a fortune in coffee shops & pubs just so that we could access wifi.  Soooo…………. the question is……………. Can anyone explain to us what a ‘dongle’ is?  What does a dongle do and how much does a dongle cost.  We’ve tried googling ‘dongle’ but didn’t really understand the blurb???  OR would a better option be…………….. to put wifi into the flat on a 12month contract?  There’s a BT line into the flat and it also would seem that tenants at some point have installed a Virgin Media phone line/TV aerial.  Being the 'middle aged techie babe' that Ann is; connection to the internet at all times is a necessity in todays fast paced world!!!

Any advice will be gratefully received.

Thank you. xx

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