Gifts of Grace

By grace

An artist

An artist and his creation.  The creation itself is in Extras.

I went back to sit again today for the portrait club.  Because I was really curious to see what they would each come up with on a different day.

I was also on the track of something - a living question (or two).  In addition to skill and experience what is this business of perception that makes each portrait unique?  

On last week's portrait someone exclaimed "It's you!?" in comments.  In truth I could not answer "Yes."  For although I had sat stock still in one place for two hours, allowing a handful of strangers to gaze at me as they made marks on paper and although I could see something of myself in every single image, it was clear to me that it was not just me on the page.

Each artist was right there on the paper with me.  Perception (and rendition) were at least as much in the eye and particularly, I felt, the heart, of the beholder as in any 'objective' reality of the sitter.  The object of attention.  

The particular quality of attention, the way each artist relates to life is what shows up in their individual styles.  In the second hour of sitting I suddenly got that each artist was making me look a little like themselves.  As owners are said to come to resemble their dogs.  

I found this mysterious alchemy of heart, eye and hand quite affecting, deeply touching.  I had been feeling tearful all day.  Not sad exactly, just easily touched by everything.  The music playing in the background touched my heart again and the odd tear rolled down my face during the sitting.   

So I asked those who were willing, to let me photograph them beside their creations.  There are a few more over here.  I think you'll see what I mean, despite my limitations as a portait photographer - which is a whole other question :-)

Edit: perhaps if you stop by you could let me know if the 2nd link works now? Problem is it works for me but appear to be unreliable for others so I can't check it.  Thanks

I MAY have got the hang of GooglePics so the 2nd link MIGHT now work.

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