
By Peahen

Test shots

I am working on the final assignment of the final module of my Foundations in Photography course (let's leave aside the two exercises and a picture analysis that need doing too). I'm doing a study of Avebury and Imber, but as villages in their own right, not as villages eclipsed by their respective landlords (National Trust/English Heritage and the MoD). Obviously, Imber  presents a challenge in that it has had no civilian population since 1943 and is only open on up to 50 rainy days a year and Avebury presents a challenge because it is full of rocks and people. I'm thinking about how to convey the passage of time in a village where the normal celebrations and commemorations haven't happened. I'm going to try something with royal commemorative mugs and toy soldiers. If it doesn't work I probably can't go too far wrong with toy soldiers in a real-life military training area with sandbags. I'm going on Friday, which is the only weekend day that doesn't have rain forecast. This is far too good to be true, watch this space for images of toy soldiers in a cold wet evacuated village....

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