Yet another Tuesday out.

That's 3 Tuesday's running we've needed a baby sitter.

All done though for a while.

Tonight was Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbot at Colston Hall.

Ears still ringing.

Sat in the balcony, and it still feels wrong for that type of concert.

Also having to drive home afterwards.

Good to have a bit of a boogy ( what is it they say, "dance like no one is watching" ? ), and a bit of inhibition remover before the night is out?

Not the best photo, but I've misplaced my Ixus.

It's hopefully in the house as the memory card was in the laptop. But I'll be buggered if I know where it is.

Anyway, off to bed with ringing ears.

Music and not bomb blasts.

Does anyone actually understand what blowing up people in an airport / subway is meant to achieve?

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