
By Eilatanfoto

A Walk In The Mind

I tiptoe, then leap into a dreamscape. I wander in & out of ideas & explore the ebb & flow of imagination.

There are splashes of colour amid patches of black & white. Portraits of extremes hang in the gallery of the mind .... happiness, sadness, passion & anger - they are all so intense & so profoundly beautiful.

The most delicate web of finely woven thoughts & hope captures stray negativity & protects & guides through the hours of darkness...

With eyes fiercly open & demanding to see the world, I look at my feet. They are tired & yet  inspired to move by the journey.... I put on today's shoes .

You can tell a lot about a person from their shoes....how far they've come, where they're going, if the journey was hard, or casual, or if they danced light as feather across the landscape.  You can tell if they're busy or chilled, making a statement or just....walking.....& if you get the chance you should jump into shoes that you've never worn before  - there's a lot to learn from those kind of shoes...

This blip is of a magical dreamcatcher & the extra is some wonderful shoes at Melbourne's multicultural festival held today in Federation Square. 

So much diversity, so many ideas, so many different dreams, so many different shoes :)

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