Brussels is still very much in shock. This morning found the Metro still closed - walked to Trône to get the 95 bendybus.

Coming home this evening decided to bus downtown & bus back to Madou - all to avoid a half hour's walk + there was curiosity involved...

In front of La Bourse (Brussels Stock Exchange) were a couple of thousand demonstrators being filmed by a colossal barrage of bored media circus types wielding millions of £'s worth of cameras & satellite transmitters.

Quite sickening really.

Thing is - the more these obscene atrocities gain attention - the less tourists will want to visit places like Tunisia, Morocco & Egypt. This will put more & more young people out of work... Daesh/Isil wins every time - things are not going to get better soon.

On a more positive note - CC has strung up his nylon string harpguitar (extra) - I can tell you that the sound it produces is sublime - well done him!

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