A rural life for me

By Rhubarrb

Chamonix day 3

It's all very well having our own place out here but it does mean that there are times when domestic duties call. So I spent the day spring cleaning the flat and reorganising, thanks to some new plastic storage boxes I got on a wee trip down to Sallanches in the morning.
Then a well earned drink, tasty dinner and finally a catch up with hubby who had been away doing a brutal ice climb up very high somewhere in the Mont Blanc range. He started out from a mountain hut at 3am.... Mad!
Anyway he said I could steal this rather fab sunset shot from the Cosmiques refuge looking towards Les Aravis.
Ps The duck in the distance (look closely!) is actually a cloud covered peak!!! We like to believe it is a huge duck floating on the clouds though!!!!

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