Friday Foto

By drmackem

Hang It

Got a clever photo printer for my birthday back in March - thought how easy and fun it would be to print my photos.
Discovered how self concious I then was to print them off.
How printing them is one thing, mounting them and having a good frame and knowing where to hang them and how to hang them is another4 things at least.Oh and there's choosing them.
It all more challenging than you think it is.(at least to me)

When mother in law moved last month she sent me to the tip with lots old pictures - so I kept a few of the frames and got some mounts and did some printing and hung them up.

I'm liking them and the kids are asking to take them back to uni to hang on their walls - I like that too.

One of the reasons I took up the photographing thing was to connect with the creative bit of me that I have neglected. I have a view that we are all deeply creative by nature but that stuff gets in the way too often. Hanging these photos felt satisfying in a way that I'd kind of forgotten. and all nutured by blip.

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