An Unidentified Beastie!!

Judging by the forecast for the weekend, I’ve got a feeling that I might regret having spent most of the glorious day that was today stuck inside, glued to the computer! But there were things to do…

I finally managed to finish plans for the London break today, booking tickets for: “Painting The Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse” exhibition at The Royal Academy; The Tower of London; a visit to the Sky Garden Bar for lunch; and an evening visit to The Shard, to sip Champagne while watching the sunset over London…

And on top of all that, yesterday evening I was invited for a weekend trip in May to Northern Ireland to visit The Giant’s Causeway, somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit! So bargain flights to Belfast have also been booked today, and tomorrow car hire and accommodation are on the jobs list!!

To take a break from staring at the computer screen, I did pop out into the garden to do a bit of tidying, and to soak up some of that sunshine. As well as a giant bumble bee, there were a handful of these beasties flying about, some sort of bee I think, but they were very camera-shy creatures, so I’m afraid this is a heavily-cropped shot of an unidentified beastie!!

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