
By Legodude

Laboratory Of Doom: Episode #39

Warning, this series contains crude humour, gore and is unsuitable for children. Viewer discretion is advised.

But the eagerness of Lego operatives to salvage intelligence doesn't sit well with Dr Rodney Rathbone, leader of the Monster Fighters.

Dr Rathbone (far right, bowler hat): "May I ask where the enemy's corpses have been taken"?

Lego M-Tron technician (second from right, black cap): "Don't worry, we have top people working on them".

Dr Rathbone: "Who"?

Technician: "Top people".

Dr Rathbone: "The corpses should've been incinerated, they are pure evil. I understand the eagerness to learn from this place, however this sort of knowledge only corrupts and breeds wickedness. Officer Norris, clear everyone out, the Monster Fighters will take things from here".

Officer Norris (far left, black cap): "What you got in mind"?

Dr Rathbone: "Let's just say nobody wants to be still in the lab in five minute's time".

Officer Norris: "OK, you got it".

Technician: "Hang one, this site is now Lego Central property".

Dr Rathbone: "Not for much longer"!

Click here to start at episode 1

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