A pretty good Friday

I was grateful for a bit of a lie in as my sleep patterns are still out of whack. I went to see my lovely hairdresser to tidy me up and bit and add a bit of red to my hair. I feel the need for extra colour everywhere at this time of year after it's been grey for so long.

This is where I met May, a regular who comes in every Friday for a set. May is a firecracker and said "that kind of haircut is alright for that kind of heid". So true. I'm going to have this printed to give to her so that she can see what a fabulous woman she is at 82.

I was touched by the care and tenderness the staff took with a series of older women who came in and out of the shop this morning. As well as tending to the women's hair, they also seemed to be brightening everyone's smile and adding a little more twinkle to the eyes. I felt they were performing an essential public service.

After that I went home for a nap before going back into town to meet a new friend to see Batman v Superman. Save your money now - it's one of the worst films I've ever seen. It was incredibly violent and only marked a 15 with 'moderate violence' as the warning. I can't imagine what a film would need to do to have an 'extreme violence' classification. Such excess. I'm glad my friend recognised it was his choice and I get to pick the film next time.

Just think what you can do with the positive - http://youtu.be/ePodNjrVSsk

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