
By DramaQueen

I Surrender!

Today has been bloody awful! 

All plans of going out anywhere had to be shelved, due to the crappy weather, which just got worse as the day progressed.

We managed a quick 'nip' into town to get my glasses adjusted; they keep sliding down my nose.

Mum was out, so we visited Dad & Mary to see how her arm is healing. She's to be reviewed again in 3 weeks and if it's not right, then they'll put a plate in.

That's been about as exciting as it gets for today, which is a complete contrast to yesterday.
We had a nice ride out on the motorbike to a place in Ribchester called Stydd Gardens; what a brilliant place and we had perfect weather for it too.
The main part is an old greenhouse, which is still used as such on the periphery but is also used now as a cafe. We felt like we could have been somewhere in the Med, rather than the Ribble Valley!
The food was really good too. There are also little chalets dotted about selling various things; a bee garden and a local vintner who runs a tapas and wine bar. There are plans to expand these and the cafe is hoping to host a few evening events too.
The Head Chef is a local lass who used to work at the Eagle and Child in Ramsbottom (she trained under Paul Heathcote), and was also a finalist on one of the Great British menu shows.

I took my camera with me yesterday, so have added a link to the Flickr album here. Credit to Terraldinho for the sunglasses reflection idea!

For today, a less glamorous shot, taken from my back door, of the poor grass waving it's white flag in the wind and rain.

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