Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Heading to the shed

New set of twins this afternoon. The first one born got seperated from its mum when she lambed the second so it was a little cold and hungry. Decided to bring them in since it was sooo wet. Looks like their is another ewe thinking of lambing too. I will go out just before dark and check. My trusty lambing girl Breagh is lame in one of her back legs so i borrowed husbands dog Duke. Both Duke and Breagh are very good at catching ewes. Breaks my heart not taking Breagh round. Hope she gets better soon. 

In the morning went feeding with husband at the farm where we manage the livestock then we went down the road to fill up with fuel and pick up months supply of dog and poultry food. In the afternoon i finished the cottages and rewrote some signs and welcome note and laminated them.

8c 7mph E heavy rain most of the time.

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